Thursday, September 19, 2013

An Exciting Day

Jacob has made a lot of progress from the last update.  The first critical 48 hours passed without any real concerns, and he has been steadily progressing.  Over the last day, he has been diuresing well (getting excess fluid off of his body) and is getting back to his normal cute size.  He has also been opening his eyes a bit from time to time; his eyes are blue from what I can tell, but may change later!

Last night they took out the line going into his belly button and performed a pressure test to see how well he could breathe on his own without the ventilator.  He did great!  They also removed his dressing from his chest.  He will be able to proudly show his scar to the ladies down the road (waaayyy down the road) and make up all kinds of cool stories :).

Today they are now planning on extubating him (removing his ventilator).  They will also be removing his chest tubes (which drain excess fluid off of his chest) and pacing wires (which he never needed).  A bit later on today, they will be try to feed him by bottle.  This is important as it will be key to getting weight back on him and recovering before he can leave the hospital.  He still seems to have a strong sucking reflex, so hopefully he'll do well.  Needless to say, it is going to be an exciting day!

He started back on feeding through a feeding tube two days ago and has been doing well, digesting his food well.  Jacob is definitely growing stronger each day!  He thanks everyone for all of his thoughts and prayers, they are obviously being heard!

I'll post some pics up in the next couple days, wish him luck today!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Chris for the update. I am so thankful God is watching over him and the family. I can see this little boy has a great purpose in life. I know it is hard being in the hospital and all that is going on. My brother was in a car wreck 97 and passed in 03 but God blessed. I love to see His miracles. Please send our love to Angie and Ethan. We will continue to pray and watch for updates. Jeff and Monica
