Friday, September 27, 2013

A Good Day

Today has been a good one for Jacob!  We are working on taking him off of all pain meds completely (he is well past his dose due for Methadone).  He also had two of his IV lines removed (one in his neck and one in his leg); he now just has one IV line in his arm left!

He had another heart Tachycardia last night (actually two of them), but we were able to get it on the EKG so that the cardiologist could look at it (I about had my own heart attack trying to help and wanting to get it stopped - which it did once they suctioned out his nose - the "jolt" shocks his body back into his normal rate).  Based on their assessment, they said it was Atrial Tachycardia, which is not a huge deal and preventable with beta blockers (which he'll start tonight).  They shouldn't cause any major side effects, so hopefully that will be a bump we will be past shortly.  More than likely they'll need to tweak the dosage, so they'll be keeping an eye on it.

I got to hold Jacob for a while this morning for the first time in a long time, and Angie is holding him as I type this!

At this point, they are still really working on his lungs.  He just still has some area of his right lung that is really congested and needs to be cleared up in order for his oxygen to come down and the pressure as well.  Just a waiting game really and work on the respiratory team to clear it up.

In the meantime, his big brother Ethan is still having fun at the Ronald McDonald house and Angie's mom Rita is a life saver in helping to keep him entertained while Angie and/or I are at the hospital.  Ethan has adjusted well to the house and enjoys the play room, playground, and train set (Thomas!).  Getting him to eat is usually a challenge because he wants to go go go!

Hopefully in the next day or so his lungs will continue to clear out so that we can start bottle feeding him!  It has definitely been a waiting game.


  1. That's good news, Chris and Angie. How are you guys holding up under the strain? Anything I can do to help out? My lip is cleared up now, but if I were the parent, I'd be reluctant to share my new son for awhile!

  2. Hey Chris and Angie, thanks for the update. I am glad things are going well even though it is slow. We will be sharing the update in the morning with our church family. We will keep praying and watching God work. Jeff and Monica
