Monday, January 27, 2014

Getting Ready for the Glenn

Well, the day we've been waiting for/ dreading/ looking forward to getting over with is nearly here.  I know it has been a while since an update, but Jacob has been busy gaining weight and doing well and keeping us busy (his brother has helped with that too!).

Chunky Monkey
If you can't tell, he has gained some weight!!!  He is up to nearly 14.5 lbs.  We joke that we let him teeth on frozen butter :).

A few weeks ago, Jacob has his routine catheterization to check out his heart.  Everything looked great, actually the Cath Dr said that he had the best heart function for an HLHS baby that he had seen in the last year!  There were no surprises and based on that, we went ahead and scheduled the surgery.  His Glenn procedure will be Wednesday (the 29th).  Tomorrow he has a pre-op visit, just to do blood work and meet with anesthesia, do an X-ray, etc.  We'll be going back to the awesome Ronald McDonald house tomorrow night and will be at the hospital first thing in the morning Wednesday (6 AM!) as Jacob will be the first case.

You may be wondering, why the surgery now if he is doing so well?  Well, basically, there is no benefit to wait any longer to do the surgery.  Jacob may be able to go another month or two before he has to have the surgery, but we might as well and get it over with now while he is healthy and bug free!  We were told to expect about a week in the hospital, so we are keeping our fingers crossed for that or even better if we are lucky!

So, all of that being said, pray for our little Superman!!!

Super Turtle!

We are all rooting for a quick recovery!!!


1 comment:

  1. Hope and pray for a smooth surgery tomorrow and a quick recovery.
