Thursday, October 3, 2013

Light at the End of the Tunnel?

We are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel!  It is a scary thought in some ways; going home without 24 hour nurse support, but Jacob is doing pretty good.  As I've mentioned in the last few posts, feeding has been tough, but he is starting to catch on.  The last couple feeds he's been able to take about half of them by bottle (just a few days ago he was gagging and hardly able to take the bottle).  He gets tired after about 10-15 mins and we'll feed the rest via his NG tube.

We switched to a different formula yesterday to fortify the breastmilk and he has done much better.  The output from his chest tube is minimal and we'll hopefully be getting it out today or tomorrow.  He also will get the last of his IV lines out tomorrow, so all we'll have left hanging onto him are a Pulse Oxygen sensor, some EKG leads, and his NG tube.  It will definitely make him easier to maneuver, though we've been able to hold him while feeding him and other times without a ton of trouble as long as we are right beside his bed.

The next things on the list are mainly feeding related, working up his calorie content of his feeds and being able to take more and more by mouth.  Angie and I also have to watch several videos here and there (Purple Crying (in his case it would probably be blue :) ) and CPR and some more training on drawing his meds and so forth.  I am really hoping that we'll be able to go home by the end of next week!  Hopefully I don't jinx us b/c a lot of things can change!

Keep praying for him to go home (and stay there :) )!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear things are progessing well! We are still praying for ya'll here! Thanks for all the updates.
