Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

Well, it has indeed been a while since I've sent an update, but that means that Jacob is doing well!  We are just extremely busy with our normal day to day life!  Jacob is still gaining weight well and is nearing 13 lbs.  He is getting more and more active each day and really is coming into his personality.  He likes to talk and smile and coo and just be cute in general.

We are getting closer each day to his second surgery.  On January 9th we have a visit to Charlotte with the Cath Dr.  He will perform a catheterization on Jacob to check out his heart and all associated circulation to see exactly when he is going to need the surgery and if there is anything special they need to repair during the second surgery.  We expect to have surgery the 3rd or 4th week of January at this point, but we will see for sure soon.

Jacob had a Merry Christmas today and slept calmly while we opened his presents for him :).  He is excited to play with the wonderful gifts everyone gave him!

I hope that all of you have had a wonderful Christmas!